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:: Volume 8, Issue 3 (1-2020) ::
ieijqp 2020, 8(3): 68-77 Back to browse issues page
Optimization of Operation of Microgrid by Thermal Demand Response Considering Enhancement of Consumers’ Thermal Comfort
S.Mahdi Kazemi-Razi1 , Hossein Askarian-Abyaneh * 1, Hamed Nafisi1 , Mousa Marzband2 , Masoud Samadian-Zakaria3
1- Amirkabir University of Technology
2- Northumbria University- Newcastle- United Kingdom
3- Tehran Province Gas Company
Abstract:   (4198 Views)
In recent years, multi-energy microgrids including electricity, gas and thermal are more grown; that presents demand response (DR) models considering multi-energy storages and renewable resources. Appropriate DR management with storages may lead to optimal flexibility. In this paper, a probabilistic linear model is introduced to assess the effect of flexibility and DR. In the proposed model, electrical and thermal DR, multi-energy storages, and participation in reserve market are considered as the main contribution. The proposed model guarantees thermal comfort as well as increasing flexibility and reserve commitment. By applying the proposed method on a distribution network in UK, it is illustrated that by utilization of the proposed DR program the flexibility of microgrid increases and the cost of operation decreases.
Keywords: Flexibility, multi-energy microgrid, multi-energy storage, electrical and thermal demand response, thermal comfort
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/08/28 | Accepted: 2020/01/7 | Published: 2020/02/1
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Kazemi-Razi S, Askarian-Abyaneh H, Nafisi H, Marzband M, Samadian-Zakaria M. Optimization of Operation of Microgrid by Thermal Demand Response Considering Enhancement of Consumers’ Thermal Comfort. ieijqp 2020; 8 (3) :68-77
URL: http://ieijqp.ir/article-1-667-en.html

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نشریه علمی- پژوهشی کیفیت و بهره وری صنعت برق ایران Iranian Electric Industry Journal of Quality and Productivity
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